What is this.

This is my website. Duh. No, actually it’s a longer story. It’s not that interesting. You don’t HAVE to read this but I’m not stopping you.

I’ve been compiling some cooking skills for some time now. After moving out, buying food was a weird thing. One day, looking down at my 30th HotPocket of the month, I thought, “You know, maybe I should cook something real.” So I decided to start with the simple things. Steak. Ribeye steak. Let me also inform you of an interesting tid bit: I’d never had steak before.

Thanks to a trusty cast iron pan from the ol’ grandfather (Thanks Pawpaw!) I began my culinary endeavors. Fast forward a few years, and I’ve learned to sear, fry, bake, (and DEFINITELY burn) foods of all sorts. I’m by no means an expert, but I’m definitely not the worst home cook out there. Cooking is fun; it’s an adventure of trying to figure out, “Hey, how do I get this dead thing to taste good and not kill me?” Once you arrive at the oh-cool-I’m-not-dying-from-eating-this stage, you move to, “Hey, how do I get this thing to taste better? Nourish me more? Who am I talking to? Am I all alone? Can anyone hear me?”

Existential questions aside, cooking is great. I love to cook. The reason we put this website together is to provide a place that I and others can share recipes, thoughts, and takeaways for all to benefit from. And, sharing around random Google Docs is… annoying at best.

I hope that my recipes, musings, bad jokes, and overall kinda cringe content inspires you to get in the kitchen and make something real for yourself. Or for others. Cookies make a great gift. Make cookies.

Thanks for visiting my site, friend. Enjoy your stay, and don’t you dare go hollow.