My first taste took me back to my childhood, drinking a McDonald’s milkshake in the backseat of my parents’ Jeep. Wonderful.

A text message from Cody

No Need to Feel Bad About a Little Sweetness

Look, I consider myself a coffee aficionado. Nonetheless, I still like to use creamer in my coffee. I’ve been drinking it like that since I was twelve, and it’s the way I like it. Fight me if you want. The point is, coffee should be consumed in the way that you like to consume it. It’s not worth it if you don’t like it, and there’s no reason to gate-keep anyone from getting into coffee by shaming them for using creamer.


If you’re going to be using creamer, you should use good stuff. Most anything you buy from the store is going to be way too sugary, have a ton of additives, and be expensive. That’s no good. Alternatively, you could use just basic half & half or heavy cream, but sometimes that just doesn’t do it.

That’s where this creamer recipe comes in. An even better feature, it takes 5 minutes to make. That’s like, way less time than it takes to drive to the grocery store. So it’s a win-win, honestly.

Let’s Sweeten Things Up a Bit

It’s quite simple. We’re going to start with half & half, mix in some sweetened condensed milk, and toss in some vanilla extract. That’s the base of it. You could honestly stop there if that’s enough for you, but I like to make variations to spice things up occasionally. This is a super flexible recipe where you can make adjustments to get things exactly how you like them!

How To Make It

Creamer Base

  • 1 Quart sized Mason Jar
  • 2 Cups of Half & Half
  • 1 Can (14 Ounces) of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons of Vanilla Extract
  1. Pour two cups of half & half into your Mason jar.
  2. Add one can of sweetened condensed milk.
  3. Add two tablespoons of vanilla extract.
  4. Put the lid on. Shake it like Darla shakes Nemo in “Finding Nemo.” That means shake it a lot. At least until the sweetened condensed milk is thoroughly mixed in.

That’s the base creamer recipe. You can stop there if you’d like, but if you want to be fancy you can use Torani flavorings to create different flavors! I’m not sponsored by them (although that’d be really cool) but I do quite like their stuff. Also, if you’ve been to a coffee shop, well, ever, you’ve probably seen them.

Other Changes

Flavor Variations

For each variation, I’d use two tablespoons of the flavoring of your choice. I usually make a caramel variation and an extra vanilla variation, but feel free to use your favorite flavoring. Just don’t tell me if you make pumpkin spice because… Well, let’s just say your actions have consequences.

Dummy Thicc Creamer

If you want your creamer to be DUMMY THICC, you can use heavy cream instead of half & half. We always love a little extra thickness in life.

I’d love to hear any additional variations y’all would make! Leverage that comment box and do your worst. Or best. Or show me love. I could always use that. <3

By Everett4God

I'm here to share what I've learned and have some fun while I'm at it! Hopefully I make you laugh and help you learn a thing or two. I'm based (incredibly) out of Richmond, Virginia, work in the SEO field professionally and dabble in all sorts of nerd stuff un-professionally. I'm a pretty goofy guy and I like it that way.

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