Meet the Contributors

We’ve got a couple of people that keep this site alive. Whether they’re screaming expletives at the backend of the site or crafting editorial cringe, our contributors keep this site alive by… well… contributing in some way. Here is where you can learn about them if you’re that curious, or if you just want to know who to fuss at for something about the site you don’t like.


A man and woman, smiling. Behind them is a tree with white flower blossoms.

Everett is quite the nerd. A lifelong gamer and creative, he’s dipped his toes into YouTube videos, Twitch streaming, website development, and music creation. He works in SEO for his day job, but when he’s not working he enjoys coffee, cooking, reading, gaming, jamming out on the guitar, and hanging out with friends. He started this site by sending a 10:30 PM message to Skye reading, “hEY SO I was thinking” and the rest is… well, this site. He’s the founder. Blame him if you dislike anything around here.


He’s the bloody network admin. No, seriously, Skye makes sure everything around here keeps working and is a wiz for all things networking and backend development. He’s curious, diplomatic, logical, intelligent, sarcastic, technically savvy, and enjoys Cheerwine and sweet tea. If there’s ever an issue here, he’s the problem-solver, but good luck trying to find an issue that persists for long!


He’s a nerd for many things, most relevantly food and is always happy to share good food; whether he’s cooking, passing along a recipe, or just enjoying someone else’s culinary works. He’s also the best person to ask about Cuban bread, and runs a neat theology blog!

Want to become a Contributor?

Think you’d fit in with the team? Want to join in creating weird stuff for other people to enjoy? Shoot us a message! You can use the form below to do that. We might ignore you, but hey, we might think you’re cool and have something neat to contribute!